organization argani

Batumi Art-House ARGANI was established in 2006 in Batumi.

The mission of Batumi Art-House ARGANI is the popularization of modern art/culture in Georgia through organizing various cultural events (festivals etc.), providing support to local young (and not only) people in the arts and to promote the interaction between Georgian and foreign film makers, producers, actors etc.

Major goals:

-    Popularization of modern art and culture in Georgia.

-    Assistance and support of young Georgian film directors, musicians, painters, actors etc.

-    Promotion of traditional and modern Georgian Art on an international level.

-    Development of cultural ties with other countries.

-  Facilitation of professional development of members of union and to support the development of joint  projects.

-    Organization of film and music festivals and Art events in different spheres.

-  Providing the necessary consultations for young film  directors, musicians, painters, actors  etc. and supporting/promotion of interesting projects.

-    Educational activities in different spheres of Art - trainings, master-classes workshops and seminars for capacity building and professional skills development.


The Major Project of Batumi Art-House “ARGANI” has been the establishment and development of the BIAFF festival. BIAFF’s main focus is to present new, art-house / non-commercial films, and retrospectives of well-known art-house film makers.


Beside the BIAFF film festival it was implemented several other projects:


- 2012 – French Film Club – it was started in May, 2012 with cooperation with Institute of France in Georgia and Batumi State University. The project aims the popularization of French films. Twice per month will be organized screenings of French films for Batumi audience.

2012 -   “Capacity Development of Batumi Art-house ARGANI”supported byOSGF/Open Society Fund supported projectThe Projects was focusing on capacity building via:

a)Organizing a series of workshops/trainings to improve the knowledge and professional skills / competences of participants (both – organization team member’s and people in arts in the Adjara region). Trainings include – Effective PR communications; Effective Social Media Communication; Photography Trainings and Project Management Trainings.

b)Audience building and creation of a community (or through BIAFF club) of cinema lovers via free film screenings, popularization of Art-house cinema

c) Improvement of Marketing/Promotion through development of a new interactive web site for BIAFF in addition to a strategic marketing plan to involve several types of social media tools.  

d)Developing additional events/projects–a) BIAFF summer film school; b) BIAFF “Industry Meetings”Both events will be important step forward to increase the capacity of BAHA/BIAFF. It will expand BAHA’s scope beyond to festival organization - becoming the important contributor to further development of the cinema industry in the region

-  2011 -  TV project “White Quadrant” – in cooperation with Press Café (Batumi) and TV 25 (Regional TV station)  BIAFF club was organizing film screenings followed by discussions (moderated  by Giorgi Masalkin) at Press café which was broadcasted on TV 25

-  2010 - Presented “New Georgian Cinema” section at TOFIFEST 2010 (Torun, Poland) – BIAFF team orgaized the presentation of 7 new Georgian films at TOFIFEST 2010.

-  2009 - BIAFF Club –The BIAFF Club was created in December 2009.  The idea was developed and the preparation of its concept was started during the previous project financed by OSI (July-September, 2009). The aim of club is to unite people interested in art, cinema, and culture in our region by arranging various art, cinema, music, and photography events, seminars and workshops. Currently the BIAFF club has approximately 55 members, and is continuing to grow.  The first event, in the beginning of February 2010, was a film screening attended by a small group of cinema lovers (30 people).  Gradually, through the support of donors and potential private sponsors, we hope to arrange screenings/discussions, various art events, seminars/workshops for larger audiences.

-  2006 “Art-in-Residence Project” funded by OSGF (Open Society of Georgia Fund) The project was a joint art production consisting of music and short experimental videos.  Mmusicians, producers, artists from Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Ukraine and Georgia participated in the project. 





See full Calendar

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BIAFF video trailer

festival news

03 Oct

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22 Sep

BIAFF 2024 - Film Screenings Daily Schedule

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19 Sep

BIAFF 2024 Batumi Film Festival Announces Full Program Line-Up and International Jury

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16 Sep

BIAFF 2024 Batumi Film Festival’s International Competition Section and Jury

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